
Claim the


you desire

I help people to achieve good self-esteem teaching them to love themselves physically, emotionally, and mentally.”

Coaching Programs

Smiling woman and wellness coach
Woman Coach Present Business Training for Corporate Staff in Coworking Office

Group Coaching

Man Participating In Online Coaching Session

Live Coaching

group of women doing yoga at a camping retreat
Business Financial Discussion
Group of multiethnic people gathering around female speaker in studio

Workshops | Seminars

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with Health Coach

First-timer Zumba Class attendee receives one New Year's complementary coaching session with Health Coach: Libia Masters, ZIN (TM).

Mondays & Thursdays

6:00 pm MST

Avalon Ballroom

6185 Arapahoe Rd

Boulder, CO 80303

United States

Who is

Libia Masters?

For the longest time, I allowed others to shape my life. Everyone had something to say when I needed to make personal decisions. If the beauty of nature displays diverse shades and countless facets, why I was trapped in this human shell designed by others? I was emotionally, financially, and mentally abused for decades, which resulted in poor health, obesity, chronic fatigue and pain, and deep depression. It wasn't until I decided to change from the inside out and make a positive turn in my life that everything around me started to improve. Changing is uncomfortable and requires determination and discipline, but it is possible. I am now building my life independently and happily working towards my Doctorate & Ph.D. in Natural and Integral Medicine. I also have developed a long career in healthcare and fitness. My goal is to integrate my personal experience with my academic journey to help others change their lives positively, healthier, and happier by using health prevention methods through a holistic approach and natural ways to improve their personal, physical, and emotional balance.

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